Friday, May 17, 2013


Book Description

If you’re a devoted camper, you already know the endless benefits to a weekend camping trip. But if you haven’t yet indulged in these impromptu getaways, or had a bad experience with a camping trip years ago, you have yet to discover the natural beauty and effortless endeavors of camping.

The greatest benefit to camping is that it takes place outdoors. Becoming one with Mother Nature is one of the most effective ways to find peace and harmony, relax the mind and body and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. It’s amazing how even on a stressful day, listening to the birds sing, taking in deep breaths, capturing the current season and watching the sun rise or set can transform our moods. This is something that no five-star hotel room can accomplish.

ABOUT DARLENE JOSAPHE                          

Darlene Josaphe helps women manage stress successfully with resources that educate, combined with personal support. Her website, Natural Stress Relief Tips For Women, is an exclusive website for women that provides self-improvement articles, stress reduction resources, and transformational tools to women who want to improve their lives and achieve their life goals.

Natural stress relief tips for women is a site about turning your life from OK to extraordinary by reducing the stress, anxieties, and tensions that rob you of the peace of mind and happiness you deserve. If your life feels like a constant pressure cooker, you’re not alone. Women today are under a lot of pressure.
Knowledge is power, and theirr self-help ebooks for women will empower you to cope with the stresses in your life and achieve your life goals, whether it is happiness, good health, loving relationships, financial freedom, fulfillment … or all of the above.


Reader review . . . 

In this installment of Darlene Josaphe's Self Help Stress Solutions” Book Series, Ms. Josaphe explores the benefits of camping.  The author reminds us of the stress felt by more of us in the modern world.  Work, social media, and family obligations combine to raise our stress levels beyond the acceptable limit.  Camping is a means to get away from everything.  By unhooking from our smart phones and laptops, we remove ourselves temporarily from all the pressures of work and constant communication.

As someone who enjoys camping, I can attest to the accuracy of camping as a means of lowering stress.  The author explores the different types of camping from primitive to luxury RVs.  Ms. Josaphe lists the possible activities to be enjoyed by family members and the different types of accomodations.  

One thing:  she talks at length of last-minute weekend trips and the ease of finding nearby camping sites.  I would respectfully offer a caveat to this theory.  In some parts of the country (US), there are peak camping seasons when finding a last-minute site is almost impossible.  I do, however, agree with her statement regarding camping as a low-budget getaway.  Many state parks offer camping sites for as low as $20 a night; just a suggestion from this reviewer.  

While this is not my favorite of the series, the book is still worth reading, especially by anyone wanting to get away from it all.

3.5 stars

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Pump Up Your Book book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”  




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