Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Here on the blog and here at home we are experiencing a lot of changes right now.  At home, we are in the process of selling our home in Florida and and moving back to Kentucky.  As you can imagine, the decision to move and change our lives has been a difficult one.  We met one another here in Florida, our memories are here, and we built a life together here. And having to leave our youngest son and his wife and baby is heart-wrenching.  But we know we are ultimately doing the right thing and everything will work out in the end.

And here on the blog, I am in the process of changing the look of the blog and possibly moving the entire thing. So, in between packing to move, I am working on the blog changes.  What this means is that there is no spare time.   We have been surviving on sandwiches quite a bit lately.  Fortunately, I haven't packed the slow cooker yet. 


1/4 C extra virgin olive oil
1 C vegetable broth
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1 Tbsp paprika
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp poultry seasoning
1 Tbsp oregano
1 tsp dried basil
3-4 boneless pork chops
Adobo to taste

In a large bowl, whisk together first 8 ingredients.  Pour into slow cooker.  With tip of sharp knife, make small cuts in chops.  Season with Adobo.  Cook on HIGH 3-4 hours.  Baste occasionally with sauce.

 music to cook by

Paul McCartney and Wings  - Silly love Songs


Until next time, Happy Cooking!  : )

 “It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.” -    Bob Proctor




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