Tuesday, October 2, 2012

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Top Ten "Older" Books The Self-Taught Cook Doesn't Want People To Forget About

Top Ten "Older" Books The Self-Taught Cook Doesn't Want People To Forget About

  1.  The Bible.  Whether or not you're a believer, there is much to be learned from the Old and New Testaments.
  2. The Narnia series. The series by C.S. Lewis has enjoyed renewed popularity in recent years thanks to the movies.  I am sorry to admit that I did not read them until after the release of the first movie, but better late than never.  A wonderful series for children and adults.
  3. The Little House series.  As a child, I loved these books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  They can cause children to develop an interest in the pioneers and early settlers of our country. 
  4.  The Nancy Drew series.  The first mystery novels of my childhood, Nancy could do it all.  At one point, I actually wanted to grow up to be a "girl detective". 
  5. The Miss Marple series.  The second great mystery novels of my early years, Agatha Christie's Miss Marple used her knowledge of human nature to solve crime.  As a small-town dweller, I loved Miss Marple's little village.
  6. Tom Sawyer.  Mark Twain's classic novel never goes out of style, and no one is ever too old to read it.  On the superficial level, it's a novel of children and the fantastic world their imaginations can create.  As an adult, there is so much more to be gleaned from it.
  7. To Kill a Mockingbird.  This is probably the only novel that translated well to the silver screen.  The lessons that Scout and her brother learn from their father are lessons that we would all benefit from learning.
  8. Little Women.  I have read Louisa May Alcott's Little Women so many times that my copy has fallen apart.  Again, it is a novel that I started reading in childhood and have continued to read to this day.
  9. Alice in Wonderland.  Who doesn't love Alice and all the characters she meets in Wonderland?  It's still a fun read!
  10. Any book that you've read and loved.   This list isn't just about me.  Any book that you've read and loved is worth remembering.  So keep reading and adding to your list! 

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish


wcs53 said...

Great list and I love the e-card at the end - it almost sums me up! My top ten list:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment! I loved making the list, because the only thing better than reading is talking about reading. ; )

Kate said...

Yes to Little House series - I heard they are about to remake it as a movie... not sure it will be the same without Melissa Gilbert and Michael Langdon!

Michelle said...

I loved Nancy Drew growing up!! And that's the first time I saw The Bible on someones list, good one!! Alice in Wonderland was pretty awesome too!

Thanks for stopping by My TTT

Michael @ The Bookshelf Review said...

Awesome list. I agree with mostly all of them. =] Thanks for sharing and visiting My WoW

Abbi Hart said...

Sweet list! I totally agree about the Bible, Narnia, and Little Women! Thanks for stopping by my WoW!

Merin said...

Yes to the Narnia books! I love those. I also really enjoyed Tom Sawyer and To Kill A Mockingbird. :)

Thanks for stopping by my TTT and sorry for the late reply!


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